Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Kyoto w/ Adrian
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Adrian in Town
This line was a little quicker. As we went in, they explained the rules to us. 700 yen/hour, you can only stay one hour, and you're expected to buy a drink or something. When we went it, they greeted us with something along the lines of "Welcome home, master". They took us right to front of the stage. I wasn't expecting there to be a stage, so that was the first surprise. Next, they brought a menu. I selected the "Yummy Yummy Choco Bear Cake" with coffee, Adrian got a hamburger.
Then, they brought the food. Again, they made it more delicious with cuteness lasers. Then, the maid asked Adrian what kind of animal he like. He picked a dog, so our maid drew a dog on his burger in ketchup.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Coco Farms Wine Festival
After a while, things were starting to wind down a little and I saw a bunch of flamenco dancers off in the distance. I chased them down to get a picture, mostly because Japanese flamenco dancers seemed like a funny idea to me at the time.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Nikko IceBucks & Seibu Lions
The best bar in town is owned by the coach of the local hockey team, and now that the season's started I can switch sports. The team isn't in Utsunomiya, it's in Nikko, so I jumped on the train with some buddies and some beers and headed out. The IceBucks are part of the Asian Ice Hockey League, and they were playing China's only representative in the league, the Sharks.
Took a lot of pictures, most of them look like a hockey game. Here's one of me with Pat and Dustin.They have the same cheering section like they do at the baseball games. I went up to join them.
It was a great game. IceBucks were loosing 1-0 with three minutes left. Bucks pulled the goalie and scored right away, 1-1. Less than a minute later, they scored again, 2-1. Then China pulled their goalie, and the IceBucks put in an empty netter to win 3-1.
We took a cab from the train station to the arena, but when we left there were no cabs in sight. There was a bus, and we asked where it was going. When they said the station, we jumped on. Standing room only, and 3 gaijin stick out pretty good. I made friends with an Expos fan. I wouldn't have remember him if it wasn't for the hat, but then he showed up at IceMan's bar later on.
These guys sat in front of us at the game, and they ended up at IceMan's, too. While I was at the bar, every other person there had come from the hockey game.
I called it a night kind of early, had the last baseball game to go to in Tokorozawa bright and early the next day. I headed to the station and bought my shinkansen ticket, only to find out it was delayed, for what might be the first time ever. There was some sort of computer glitch, one signal light got stuck red, and the trains were stopped for 4 hours.
I took the slow train down to Tokyo and out to Tokorzawa and got there just in time. Not in time to find a seat in the cheering section, though. The hangover, long train ride, and noisy cheering section made it a rough day. So I left early. The display on the train coming in said the shinkansen was fixed, so I bought a shinkansen ticket for the ride home. When I go to Ueno station to transfer over, though, the train was still delayed at least 2 hours. I sort of ran through the gate and jumped on a train that was headed for Utsunomiya without using my ticket on the gate. But the train was crowded, so I had to stand. Then I figured out that it was an all reserved train that I didn't have a ticket for. Then, the announcement said the train doesn't stop in Utsunomiya, so I had to bail in Omiya.
In Omiya, the trains were still stopped. I waited there for another hour before I finally got on a train home. Rough sports weekend.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Tokyo Dome and Hall of Fame
The Tokyo Dome is part of a huge entertainment complex, complete with a mall, a spa, an amusement park, and a bunch of other stuff. In the basement, it's also the home of the Japanese Baseball Hall of Fame. Once I decided I couldn't figure out the off-track horse race betting, I plunked down 500 yen and headed in.
I've been there once before, but I was completely illiterate in Japanese at the time and there's very little English. Now I can read like a 2 year old, so I got a little more out of it. They had a nice room full of baseball history, all the way back to the stuff I play. Now that I can read a little, I know that this is the rules of the New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club in 1845, in Japanese.
I left, at a burger, met a guy from Vancouver, and went shopping before heading in. At the games I've been to so far, a hat and a decent quality jersey seems to run somewhere around $50-$70. The only reasonably cheap jerseys they had were literally T-shirts printed like jerseys. I decided I've come this far collecting them, so I sucked it up and dropped 10,000 yen on an un-numbered jersey.
Like I said, the Giants are really popular, so the only seat I could find was way up in left field. I was actually looking down on the foul pole.
Not to be outdone, the one section of Yakult fans did their famous "Umbrella Dance" after every Swallows run. And there were a lot of them. By my count (I didn't check the box score) there were 8 home runs, which might be more than I've seen in the previous 10 games put together. Came down the the bottom of the 8th, and the Giants manage to take the lead, 9-8. They brought out their closer, Marc Kroon ( He walked the first 3 hitter he faced, but they left him in and he somehow battled back to get a save the hard way, 1 inning, 6 batters, no hits.
The Tokyo Dome is an air-supported dome, like the Metrodome, so the entire building in at a slightly higher air pressure the the world outside. It's only about 0.3% higher, but it holds up the roof pretty well. To keep that air pressure in, you enter through revolving doors. This works great on the way in, when people are showing up at different time. On the way out, though, there's a huge logjam at the 1-at-a-time revolving doors, so they open up the fire escape normal doors. They put some ushers there to guide people out. These poor people have to stand at the door while the air rushes out.
Well, that's 11 down, 1 to go. I'm heading to Saitama to watch the Seibu Lions in a few weeks, then I'll finally be able to pick a team to cheer for next year. Not that I'll be here to follow them, but it will be nice to root for someone.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Chiba Lotte Marines
On the ways to Chiba I stopped by the Imperial Palace, just to say hi, but it's pretty closed up and all you can really do is walk around the park out front. So after I did that, I strolled over to the capital building and it was closed up too, so I just headed to Chiba. The only ticket I could get was the bleachers, or so I thought. Anyway, I didn't have a reserved seat, and the last time I did that I showed up half an hour early and had to stand, so I wanted to get there really early anyway.
The Lotte Marines are owned by a gum company. Not that that means much, but it's a little different than all the newspaper and railroad teams. First stop when I got to Marine Stadium was the Lotte Marines Museum. It was mostly a bunch of displays showing how high the fence is, how the turf feels, stuff like that. They also had a bunch of pictures of former player, like Julio Franco.
I took my snack to the bleachers but found out that wasn't where my ticket was. I followed the guys pointing to the upper deck, where I found someone else to point me in the back the other way to the tiny, crappy section that my ticket was good for. Unlike the Yokohama game, nobody showed up early. I had the section to myself for an hour before game time.
While I waited, I saw the coolest players I ever saw. They must have had an extra bushel of balls that they told them to give away or something. First there was just one guy sitting on a chair with basket in front of him, signing balls and tossing them into the stands. Then one guy after another took a turn tossing balls to the crowd until the basket was empty. They must have tossed at least 150 balls out. My camera doesn't zoom much.The Marines have 2 people I've heard of from the Majors. There's Benny Agbayani, who they just call "Beh-ni" on the scoreboard and in the cheers. And then there's the face of the Marines, Bobby Valentine. I was lucky enough to come on Bobby Valentine global warming day. They moved some potted trees onto the field so he could pose with some people who were apparently greener than the rest of us.
They love Bobby Valentine in Chiba. He's on every poster, his face is 9 feet tall on the walls of the stadium, and he's selling just about everything. He really seems to like these sandals. I may have to get some if they make you this happy.The weather was pretty crappy, on and off rain, so I only stayed for 5 innings, but that was enough. I got to see the genius of Bobby Valentine. First, I think since the best players were off losing to the US at the Olympics, they called some people up. They started a 19 year old pitcher. He got the first 2 out, then hit a guy, walked Tuffy Rhodes, and hit another guy before getting out of it. Bobby Valentine had faith in the kid.
He got into trouble in the 3rd and loaded the bases, then got pulled for a more experienced pitcher. Bobby Valentine yanked out the 19 year old and put in 42 year old pitcher, who promptly got the next batter to hit him a slow hopper, which he then muffed and they scored 2 runs before he got out of it. Lotte came back (Benny had a 2 run double) and after they scored 4, Bobby called a suicide squeeze. The Marines led 5-4 when I decided that it was a long ride home and it was raining, so I took off. Turns out they won 9-4.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sapporo Day 3 - Hungover at the Beer Museum
Got to the museum around 11 or so. Too early to start drinking (on a Monday) so I decided to tour the museum first.
In case you haven't heard, I'm going to be in Cleveland for the next 2 weeks (8/2 - 8/15), so look for me. You probably know my email, or my parents phone number (where I'm staying like a grown-up), or you can get a hold of me through this.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sapporo Day 2 - Baseball & Beer
The Sapporo dome looks like a giant thing of jiffy pop with a straw pointing out of it. The straw is an observation deck, but I didn't think there would be much to observe so I didn't go up.
I had scoped the place out the day before and decided to bypass the Suntory and Asahi gardens and went straight to the Kirin beer garden. It had the best music. It was Sunday night, but the whole park was packed and after I bought some Japanese chicken nuggets I scouted around for a place to sit I finally found a spot at the end of a table and started to sit down, but when I asked the people on the other end if it was OK, they said to join them. Nice people. I had a ticket for a beer, but they immediately poured me one from there giant beer tube. I hung out with these guys for a couple of hours. They apparently got a much earlier start than I did. They were my immediate friends. The one guy kept trying to give me his shirt. I finally managed to chip in 1000 yen for the next beer-tube, but I must have gotten 6 beers and paid for one. Worked out really well for me.
The beer gardens shut down at 9:30 on the dot, when they turn off the lights and the music and urge everyone to leave. My new friends (whose names I don't remember) went home and I went to the next bar.
Also the night before, I had noticed a bar that the internet recommended, so I headed over there. Rad Brothers bar. They had a good slogan on their menu, so I new it would be OK:I sat down and started trying to talk to the Russian girl next to me, but the only language we shared was broken Japanese, so we both gave up pretty fast. Meanwhile, another guy came in who looked like he spoke English, so we started talking. I asked what he was doing in Sapporo and he said working. So I asked what he did, of course thinking English teacher. But when no, Pro Wrestler. So I talked to him for a while, since there's a lot of interesting conversation inherent in "I'm a Pro Wrestler in Japan". Then another guy came in and sat down. What's he do? Jazz Musician. Usually, I think I can make my job sound cool. This night was an exception. All I cold think of was "An engineer, a wrestler, and a pianist walk into a bar..."
I hung out with the jazz guy and Phil Atlas for a few more hours and a couple more bars until it was time to give up. Lots of beers, new friends, and an invitation to go to a wrestling show. All in all, a good random night in Sapporo.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sapporo Day 1 - Planes, Trains, and Monorails
First, since my credit cards don't like to work in Japan, I had to find another way to pay for the plane ticket. Luckily, since Japan is still a very cash-based society, there was another option in place. When I made the reservation (a couple months back) all I had to do was head up to the 7-11 with the cash. That was the easy part.
Saturday morning, I got up nice and early and walked to the train station, got some coffee, and jumped on the early shinkansen for Tokyo. Then I just had to transfer to the Tokyo loop line local train, then transfer to the Tokyo monorail to get to the airport. Flight was of course delayed. Then, once I got to the Sapporo airport, the plane parked on the tarmac and a stairway pulled up, so you have to take a bus to the terminal. Then I took a train to Sapporo station, a subway, and a short walk, and I was at my hotel by 2:30.
I was meeting my Japanese teacher there around 4:00. She's from Sapporo and was going to be there anyway, so she volunteered to show me around town. While I waited, I went to check out the big park that runs down the middle of town, Odori Park.
During the winter, Sapporo is famous for the snow festival that takes place in Odori park. During the summer, they set up beer gardens instead. The park is around 12 blocks long, and each brewery sets up their own beer garden, taking up about a block of the park. All told, there were 7 or 8 city blocks worth of beer gardens.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Osaka - Again
The one interesting thing I found was a purse made out of a Tim Lally Chevrolet ad. I tried to explain to the salesman that I was born in Bedford, but I couldn't quite get it across.
It was the Orix Buffaloes vs. the Seibu Lions. It was close through 4 or so and then the Buffaloes jumped up 4-1, and it stayed that way for the rest of the game.
I was getting pretty tired, and I had to be at work in the morning, so it was back on the train to Utsunomiya and I finally got back home around 9. These busy weekends are killing me. At least there's only 4 teams left to see.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The plan was to go to Atsuta shrine first and, if there was time, go to Nagoya castle. The shrine was underwhelming. It was set in a nice peaceful park, but the main building was under construction and most of the other buildings weren't very interesting. I wandered around for a while and all of a sudden somebody says "Good Morning". I looked around and saw an older Japanese guy waving, so I said "ohayo goziamasu" back to him. I went over to where he was sitting and we started talking. He spoke really good English (so I didn't have to work very hard) and he offered to show me around the shrine. "next, I want to show you this...and now this" for about half an hour while he walked me around the park. He explained that he lives close by and walks around the park every morning for the exercise and to get away from his wife. All around, one of the nicest people I've ever met, but I didn't get his name or picture, so just take my word for it.
I hopped on the subway and went to the castle. Like Osaka castle, it looks really cool from a distance, but when you get closer you can see that it's a modern concrete reproduction. I got someone to take a picture of me in front of it, but I like the one I took better.
Being the defending champs, the Dragons are attracting lots of fans and I couldn't find a good seat for once. Todd and his wife were thinking about coming with me, but I couldn't find 3 seats together. I had to spend more than I wanted and still sat way down the 3rd base line. I shouldn't have, since I saw a bunch of scalpers on the way in and that would've been a good test of my Japanese skills. I probably would've bought an upper deck seat behind a pole for $100.
It was Chunichi vs. the Yakult Swallows. Swallows jumped out to an early lead and were up 1 - 0 for most of the game until the Dragons tied it up. It went to extra innings, and in Japan, there are ties in baseball. They call it after 12 innings. The top of 12 with 2 outs and Yakult had the bases loaded, 3-2 count, and the hit a medium speed grounder to 3rd. The 3rd baseman came up firing and gunned him down and home. One of the more exciting half innings of baseball I've seen.
Bottom of 12 and I was torn. Do I want the home team to win or do I want to see my first tie? I quietly cheered for a tie. Dragons went down in order and everyone just quietly filed out of the stadium. I didn't realize a tie was that anticlimactic.
I went off in search of my hotel but made a wrong turn. Instead of my cheap hotel, I found a very expensive hotel with a lobby full of Swallows players. I couldn't decide if I should try and make some friends and then I realized I was wearing a Dragons jersey and hat and decided it wouldn't go over well. So I moved on, checked in, and went to a place called "Los Tacos" for a delicious taco and some guacamole before going out for the night. But once I found the bar I was looking for, I also found a sign that said they were closed for renovations. I weighed my options and decided to buy a couple beers and go back to the hotel and rest up for the next day. To be continued...